
Showing posts from July, 2018

Episode 8: The Whaley Show

In this episode: back on planes, getting swoll, a recipe for meta beef stock, didn’t blind trust of the intelligence community get us into Iraq?, the irony of guys in Che Guevara shirts protesting a rich white capitalist not taking a former KGB agent to task like Ronald Reagan did the USSR, Obama’s speech on the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mandela, Obama vs. the shout down culture, Fox shout down culture, callout/shoutdown vs. wonder on FB, poop vs a kosher cafe, what happened to anti-Semitism, designer babies, Gattaca, mutant zombie baby army, Alexander the Great, mummies, The One, death metal sign language, vibration as hearing, reality over experience, the Great Electric Fish Fiasco of TAC, the value of the other if understanding is your goal, the necessity of doors that lock for hospitality to be meaningful, a repeated call for a generous and orderly embrace of the refugee and the alien as a good to be welcomed, and so...much...more.

Episode 7: The Whaley Show

In this episode: 30 days on the diet, nightshades are shady, ugly vs. fat, a scandalous story of Andrew accidentally picking up a model in a bar, fashion advice for historical Steve Jobs, Mac purging as a spiritual discipline, being accosted by beauty with affection at Aldi and other public places, Facebook questions about toilet paper, climate’s effect on worldview, and the Jaques Maritain/Saul Alinksky correspondence, Thai soccer boys buried hidden in a cave are valuable and to be saved, Elon Musk is the awkward Tony Stark, Brett Kavanaugh is evidently a Catholic boy scout, babies hidden in wombs are not valuable and not to be saved evidently, NPR women don’t believe your really pro-life and they might be right, blinding flash of the obvious and CSD is the answer, a correction from last week, hacking StoryBrand for a before the brand soul searching process, website building as discernment, millennials are magic, distributed cognition, a crazy La Guardia coincidence story, God’s weird...

Episode 6: The Whaley Show

In this very Whaley episode with something offend or confuse everyone: mea culpas for a week off, DNA and humidity, lemons as transporter/kick in the gut, Mom report = Mom is killing it, diet on track, massive shout out to Shrine Coffee, StoryBrand, Unrepeatable, narrative as a pattern, political rant with border babies, abortion, defending Trump by saying Obama did it, the last honest journalist at NPR, ICE, Obamas immigration record in contrast, Independence Day narrative rant with a reflection on America being wrong, but so was everyone, a short history of the world, and the beauty of the American Experiment, at least on paper, freedom and religion, what is freedom for, open borders being exploited gets you taken over and your culture supplanted- we did it- its called America. Finally, after a long aside…your story to sainthood, sucking air = a story for your sainthood, Thomas Merton, Aquinas, ideas in the mind of God, the search for self, functioning as designed = sainthood, re...