Episode 14: The Whaley Show

In this all chat and muse episode Andrew breaks his rule already about talking about the scandal, but covers fasting, cell death, weight loss, break-fast, being on fire, Santa Barbara Keto Crawl, Mom makes her own tea, Mr. Man gets attacked by inanimate objects, half a bowl of food = the apocalypse, Perception vs. reality, LSD, faculties and objects, The Abolition of Man, Matrix in the seminar, being loved as self disclosure, Fr. Jaques Phillipe, espousal vs. single, celibate vs. single, sonship identity, and prison sex and the scandal. https://tonic.vice.com/en_us/article/ne4ang/your-brain-can-be-tricked-into-thinking-an-experience-is-meaningful?utm_source=tonicfbus


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